This is a readme file for the cleaned version of the data used in the paper: Leaf margins and temperature in the North American flora: Recalibrating the paleoclimatic thermometer J.M. Adams, W.A. Green, Y. Zhang Global and Planetary Change 60 (2008) 523--534 Seven tab-delimited flat text files: AllSitesPlusEvergreen.7.csv EastCoast.3.csv SevenStudies.4.csv TableFromAppendix.csv WestCoast.6.csv WestCoastOver1000.5.csv WholeContinent.1.2.csv the numbers at the end of the file name indicate the figure or figures in the paper in which the data were used. The variable names are: "SITE_NO" a meaningless site number (note: site = 1/2 degree square grid cell) "TEMP" the Mean Annual Temperature in degrees C. "TOT_SPP" the total number of species (at a site) "TOT_ENTIRE" the total number of entire (untoothed) species (at a site) "PROP_ENTIRE_LEAVES" the proportion of entire species (at a site) "TOT_EVERGREEN" the total number of evergreen species (at a site) "EASTING_DD" longitude of the center of the site in decimal degrees "NORTHING_DD" latitude of the center of the site in decimal degrees "NAME" the name of a site "STUDY" the study from which the data was obtained in addition, the TableFromAppendix gives two variables: "Toothed?" factor with levels {1, 0.5, 0}, where 1 indicates that a species has toothed leaves, 0.5 that it has both toothed and untoothed leaves, and 0 that it has only entire leaves "Deciduous?" factor with levels {E, D, B, ?}, for Evergreen, Deciduous, Both, Unknown Cleaned in Feb., 2009; thanks to Mark Brandon for asking for the clarification. ---Walton Green